Hello and welcome to your weekly dose of lifestyle news and features courtesy of The Independent.
This week, I must report that a generational war has broken out within the ranks of the Indy's culture and lifestyle desk. Who started it? I couldn't possibly comment. All I can say at this time is that the Gen Zs – my generation – are attacking millennials' ankle socks. The latter hit back, accusing us Gen Z's of saying "Go off king!" too much. It's pure mayhem.
This battle may have been fuelled by my article about why millennials, the avocado-eating generation responsible for making the top-knot socially acceptable, have some deeply uncool habits. I picked out 10 of their worst generational traits – like working too hard, being obsessed with brunch and referencing Friends every 10 minutes – and why they need to stop. Now.
The most glaring difference between the two generations, I think, is our working habits in the office. Millennials entered the job market on the heels of the 2008 financial crash – their version of adulthood has been marked by economic instability, scarred by the constant fear of redundancy and job insecurity. And it really shows. I wrote about how I was shocked on my first work experience placement when people's version of a "lunch break" was eating a Pret baguette at their desk.
And then there's the overtime. The emails sent out of hours. Responding during annual leave. On the Gen Z side, I craft a firmly worded out-of-office email to ensure nobody even thinks of bothering me while I'm away and take an hour's long lunch break to curb burnout. And don't even try and contact me after 5pm.
Millennials, get with the program, OK? Read the full list, here.
In this week's newsletter you can expect: