Hi there 👋🏽. I'm Dan Go. Thanks for signing up for the High Performance Journal! You're now part of a community of 218,926+ high performers dedicated to becoming the healthiest version of themselves. If you're reading this then you're coming as a recommendation from one of my friends. Great to have you here!
In the first email, I want to tell you 3 things: 1. Get helpful reminders If you're the type of person who finds it valuable to receive short, daily tips then follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. I post short tips each day. Click here and follow me on Twitter. Click here and follow me on LinkedIn. Click here and follow me on Instagram. 2. Make sure my emails reach your inbox Take a few quick steps to ensure my emails are sent to the right place and reach your inbox every time Gmail users – Add these emails to your Primary inbox. If you use another platform – This page has simple instructions (with screenshots) for several other popular email clients. 3. Read previous issues of the High Performance Journal I post all previous issues of the High Performance Journal on my website. You can get instant access to them here. That's it. Just 3 quick things to start... 1. Get helpful reminders by following me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. 2. Add my email address to your Primary inbox or contacts list. 3. Take a look at the previous issues of the HPJ. Thanks for reading. I'm glad you're here. Cheers, Dan P.S. Before you go, what would you say your biggest goal is right now when it comes to your health and fitness? Feel free to reply to this email. I read every response! |